Forms & Reports


Donation Pledge Form

U.S. Patriot Act Compliance Form  In accordance with USA Patriot Act regulations, nonprofit organizations that receive funds from United Way of Cecil County (including grants and donor designations) are required to have a current, signed copy of the Patriot Act Statement of Compliance on file.  Please  download a copy HERE, or call the United Way office at (410) 398-7572 with questions.


2021 990

2018 Audit

2018 990

There is a group of people with brown and blonde hair, all are smiling, and one is wearing a hat. A few have brown eyes, the woman and child in front have blue eyes. The woman on the right is wearing a straw hat. All in the photo are wearing a white shirt with uppercase black lettering that says LIVE UNITED.

Community Needs Assesment


Combined Federal Campaign: 52559

Maryland Charity Campaign: 526075348

Designation to United Way of Cecil County on a United Way of Delaware Form: 613

Designation to United Way of Cecil County on a United Way of Central Maryland Form: 106081

Designation to United Way of Cecil County on a United Way of Southeastern PA Form: 1689